Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Applications are invited for filling up the following temporary technical/Administrative posts at IARI Hq, New Delhi and its Regional stations/ Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) - Shikohpur, Gurgaon under the administrative control of Indian Council of Agricultural Research.

Name of the posts & No. of Vacancies:

Tech. Officer - 06

Assit. Publicity & Public relation Officer - 01

Technical officer - 01

Computer operator - 03

Laboratory Assistant  (OBC) - 01

Laboratory Assistant  (UR) - 01

Tech. Assistant - 23

JE (Mech) - 01

JE (Civil) - 02

JE (Electrical) - 01

Hindi Translator - 01

JE (Mech) - 01

Electrician - 06

Library Asstt. - 06

Fieldman - 26

Fitter - 04

Mechanist  04

Tubewell operator - 03

Jr. Mechnic - 03

Steno - 08

MORE DETAILS VISIT: www.iari.res.in