The Security Paper Mill, Hoshangabad (M.P) is one of the nine units under the security printing and minting corporation of India Limited. a Miniratna category. central public sector Enterprise Company, wholly owned by Government of India.
SPMCIL Invites application for selection of Supervisor/Officer post in a phased manner.
Name & No. of Post/ Age Limit/ Qualification & Experience:
Supervisor - 02
28 years
Three years Diploma or equivalent in Pulp and Paper Technology with two years experience in any pulp/paper mill under Govt/Govt. Undertaking/ reputed organization. or Three years Diploma in Mechanical/Electrical/Electronics/Chemical Engineering/B.SC. with two years experience in any pulp/paper mill under Govt./Govt. undertaking/reputed organizations.
Degree from a recognized Board/University in pulp/paper mill under Govt./Govt. undertaking/reputed organization shall be preferred.
Technical Officer (Boiler) - 01
30 years
Bachelor Degree in Mechanical/ Eltrical Engg. of equivalent from a reputed institute/ university with certificate in proficiency as a Boiler operation engineer granted under the MP Boiler operation Engineer rules 1968. The candidates holding a certificate of profiency as a boiler operation engineer grated by the board of examiners under the corresponding rule in any other state will also be considered but offer of appointment would be made after the selected candidates submits his certificate duly endorsed for validity in state of MP.
Experience as Boiler operator Engineer.
For More Details & Application visit:
SPMCIL Invites application for selection of Supervisor/Officer post in a phased manner.
Name & No. of Post/ Age Limit/ Qualification & Experience:
Supervisor - 02
28 years
Three years Diploma or equivalent in Pulp and Paper Technology with two years experience in any pulp/paper mill under Govt/Govt. Undertaking/ reputed organization. or Three years Diploma in Mechanical/Electrical/Electronics/Chemical Engineering/B.SC. with two years experience in any pulp/paper mill under Govt./Govt. undertaking/reputed organizations.
Degree from a recognized Board/University in pulp/paper mill under Govt./Govt. undertaking/reputed organization shall be preferred.
Technical Officer (Boiler) - 01
30 years
Bachelor Degree in Mechanical/ Eltrical Engg. of equivalent from a reputed institute/ university with certificate in proficiency as a Boiler operation engineer granted under the MP Boiler operation Engineer rules 1968. The candidates holding a certificate of profiency as a boiler operation engineer grated by the board of examiners under the corresponding rule in any other state will also be considered but offer of appointment would be made after the selected candidates submits his certificate duly endorsed for validity in state of MP.
Experience as Boiler operator Engineer.
For More Details & Application visit: